Motorcycle training classes are starting very soon. Classes are filling up fast. Contact us today and get enrolled before its too late. Safety is key on a motorcycle – so the Valley ABATE course teaches the basics as well as crash avoidance. The motorcycle safety course Alaska includes braking, swerving and turning skills training.
Education is important for everyone whether they’ve been riding for decades or are just considering purchasing a motorcycle. Of course the course can’t stop all accidents and injuries – but many people come back and say they’ve avoided crashes because of the class.
Many students say that the motorcycle safety course Alaska is outstanding and helps them feel more comfortable on their machine. It also helps them learn to pay closer attention their surroundings and avoid mishaps.
We invite you to attend one of our events and just have a good time with some good people. For more information about our rider education or to sign up for classes today Click Here.
The instructors were great for this class.